Saturday 26 July 2008

Good-bye Year 3

We had a very hectic week, especially as everything needed to be packed in the classroom, ready for Mrs Christmas to take over Year 3 next year. It was lovely seeing her at the Leavers' Concert. Everyone in Year 6 did so well with her guidance.
In our class we all made a book each to leave as a present for next year's class to read. We had such fun writing them and did our best to use all the skills we'd learnt during the year, making them look professional.
We also thought of the changes ahead and how good Year 4 will be.
We had a great time at our Teddy Bears Picnic. So much delicious food to eat - thanks to our mums and dads.
So the it's the last day of Year 3. Time to play with our friends and share a fun day. 'Goodbyes and thank-yous' to everyone who has helped us so much. We made cards for them all.

A short message from me to say a big thank-you to those children who gave me cards and gifts. They were beautiful and very much appreciated. The messages really touched me. Thank-you all very much.
Enjoy a wonderful holiday everyone.
Mrs Hunt