Friday 27 June 2008

SATS and More!

A lot of children found they really had to use their critical thinking skills when doing SATS this week.
"I thought the maths was a mixture of hard and easy work. I could work most of it out though and think I did all right." (Erik)
"I thought the writing was interesting. I wrote a long piece of work." (Abigail)
"I found it a bit hard because the questions were difficult. I think I did well, as I did my best." (Joshua)
"When we did maths on Tuesday, I think I got all of the maths sums right
because I used all the strategies I'd learnt during the year. (Sam B)

In our class this week, we've also been thinking about team work. We heard a story about some giants who forgot the useful skills of Knee-high Nigel. They forgot how clever he was because he was small. He forgot he needed their strength to build his castles.
After hearing the story, we got into groups to see if we could work as a team. Some of us found it was quite hard.
Sam D worked with his group to make a robot. "We made a plan, chose which bit we were going to do, and made a robot out of multilink. We were proud of it in the end."
Emma enjoyed making a castle. "It was bit messy on your hands, but the end result was really good."
"Our group (Joshua talking) made models of the giants in the story and Knee-high Nigel. It made us think about size isn't as important as what you do in a team."
Abbie says, "Working in a team taught me that not everyone can get their own way or what they want to do, but the end result is better if we share ideas."
Do come and see what we made. There are photographs, but we still have trouble putting them on the blog!

Friday 20 June 2008

Maths, Story Openers and Art

In Year 3 we've been concentrating on using all our maths skills to solve problems. 'Maths Man' has been inspiring us.
We also enjoyed solving Reese's Riddle (see Y4 Blog).
Hope it's helped our thinking skills!!
We've also been reading an adventurous story. You'll find it in the library as a play if you want to. It's called Tom and the Smugglers of Mourne.
It made us think about how to write exciting story openers. If it's a good one, you want to find out what happens next. So we thought we'd have a go.
Mrs Hunt brought in an atmospheric picture of the Suspension Bridge by the River Avon to inspire us.It was a night time picture.

Here are Holli and Erik's story openers which they have written for you to continue if you'd like to:-

The Monster of the Gorge
One dark night the water of the Avon Gorge rose higher than normal.
I, Henry Williams, asked my older brother if he wanted to go blackberry picking and take the camcorder.
Ben said, "Yes".
So we got there and suddenly we saw a mysterious light glowing in the water.
So we videoed it.
Very slowly it rose out the water.
We fainted.........
The Mystery of the Avon Gorge
One mysterious night it felt like someone was watching me as I walked along the river bank.
But I just carried on walking. Then I looked in the water and I saw lots of ripples. Suddenly I heard a spooky sound tap tap tap and there was something green reflected in the water........
While we are on the subject of atmosphere, in art we have been exploring colours and how they are connected to mood. We thought about colours which were happy, sad, hot and cold. We all made an Egyptian Landscape in one colour. Only the shade of it changed. Come and see what you think of them!!

Friday 13 June 2008

Poetry, Pyramids, Puzzles and Sports Day....Hooray!

Hello it's Alice here....We listened to lots of lovely poems.
We wrote some of our own.
But what I liked doing best
Was reading one into the microphone.
(It was about Dinosaurs and it was funny!!)

Hi It's Sam Barnes here. We wrote poems acrostic poems about our Dads to celebrate Fathers Day.This is mine:-
Fantastic father
Amazing dad
Terrific Father
Happy as ever
Eating all the time
Really funny.
(Have a great day Dad!)

Samuel Dorrington here.....
On the subject of Fathers Day, we wanted to make something special for our wonderful Dads. We made pyramids (Still learning about Egypt) and Mrs Hunt thought as our Dads are such heroes looking after us so well we'd be like the Egyptians and hide something inside for you. Hope you like it.

Abbie Maker talking..... I decorated my pyramid with drums as my Dad is in a band, football as he plays it and a big heart. I put a message on the base.

Alfie here... In maths we've been improving our skills by solving problems and doing maths puzzles. I was amazed I could do quite hard sums by thinking of facts I already knew. I got all the answers right. Here's one for you.....Use all the numbers 1-9 and place them on a 3 by 3 grid so the difference between each neighbouring number vertically and horizontally is odd. Ask me if you need help.

Friday 6 June 2008

Sport Week and other news!

It has been brilliant fun in Year 3 this week. We started the week with a 'Wake up and Shake' assembly and we found some of the actions quite difficult. By the end of the week after plenty of practise some of us were really good. It is good for our brains as well as our bodies - so well worth remembering.
Country Dancing was great too. A big thank -you for all friends and families who joined us.
It was fun doing rounders, athletics and more sports on Wednesday afternoon, but we were a little disappointed that Sports day itself had to be postponed because the weather forecast said it would most likely rain.
We did lots of good things in the classroom though. Come and see some of them!
We also have thought a little more about Ancient Egypt and now we have a new projector have enjoyed watching some excellent videos on the subject.
And lastly a message from Mrs Hunt.......
I expect some of you will have read in this week's newsletter that I shall be retiring in September - a few weeks into the new term.
I know I shall miss you all very much, but am pleased how well you you are doing, and am sure, if you work as hard in the future, you will all
have a brilliant time ahead.
So I'm hoping my last few weeks with this Year 3 will be the best ever!!