Monday 18 July 2011

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party Week!

Wonderful Costumes

Thank you to all the parents for supporting us this week!

We began the week designing our pizza toppings and

designing our cake decorations.

We had a very special visit from the company 'Actors',

who performed

Sherbert, Snails and Pinky Fruit.

After the performance year 3 had the chance to ask

the cast some brilliant questions!

Thank you Year 3 and parents.

I have had the best last year of teaching

I could have possibly wished for.

Remember Year 3 -

work hard and play hard!

We also had the treat of a wonderful concert.

I was very proud of Year 3 playing the recorder.

It was also fantastic to see

Alice, Mara, Lara and Ruby

performing. They were brilliant!

This week we also had our open evening and it

was lovely to see the children showing their work to

their parents and choosing something for the profile.

Year 3's new teacher!

Many thanks to the helpers who came in to help us to

get the Mad Hatters' Tea Party under way!

We made pizzas, sandwiches, delicious cakes, sausages on

sticks and pineapple and cheese on sticks!

We decorated our cakes

In the afternoon the parents arrived with

their hats on!

Year 3 did a celebration assembly and then

we had our picnic in the hall.

We all really enjoyed ourselves!

Thank you to all the parents for coming.

Year 3 were all stars of the week

for their brilliant cooking this week,

and Adele Hall was singer of the year!