Friday 7 January 2011


Year 3 were all really surprised to be star of the
week which was very well deserved as they were
brilliant rehearsing the play and enjoying the end of term.

Some of the class celebrated Head Teacher
certificates and prizes as well.
Well done Year 3.

We did a paper chain challenge!
Which group could work well together
to make their paper chain first!

We played SNOWMAN!
Everyone really loved this game so much
they asked to take the game home, so
if you haven't played it yet dig through
your child's book bag and I'm sure you'll
find it - have fun!

We really enjoyed our Christmas party and
eating together in the classroom and thanks to
Jess' Mum for the crackers!

We have some super dancers in Year 3
Caught you Quin!
We enjoyed playing musical statues,
and the dancing competition!

Playing 'Eat the chocolate with a knife and fork,
wearing hat, scarf and gloves proved to be a
popular game with all the class!

Thank you for the lovely presents.
Very overwhelmed at your generosity.
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas
and I wish you
Peace and happiness in 2011.