Friday 21 January 2011


This week we have been very busy.
One of the displays in class of our pyramids.

On Friday we played Snowman in Golden Time.

We have been working really hard to improve our
handwriting and spellings.

In P.E. we went on the apparatus and developed our
skills balancing and travelling and working together.

We really enjoyed looking at the books about
Egypt and finding out how the Egyptians lived.

We have got very quick at playing SPLAT!
learning all our numbers to twenty.
Tres Bien!

We are looking forward to next week when
we are going to start to make our Egyptian cats.

Tuesday 18 January 2011


This week we had ten extra minutes playtime as we had
100% attendance and we also got ten minutes extra
play as we also got the Golden Lunchbox, which
was absolutely brilliant.
Well done Year 3

This week was 'Be Internet Safe Week'
We watched two programmes to help us be safe
and we were very good at the quiz and remembering
everything we had been shown.

This week we have been also working on Friendship
and we had a circle and wrote a compliment letter.
I hope you saw them as they are in your child's bookbag.
Each child writes their name at the bottom of the page and the
paper is passed along. When it stops you write something
good about that person and then fold the paper over what you
have written and the letter is passed around again.
At the end each person gets their letter back and the photos
below are the children reading what everyone thinks of them.
Lots of smiling faces!
We all shared how we felt about what everyone had said.

We also did a friendship banner about a friend
and created a wordle about friendship.
We especially enjoyed our snowball fight which is
about writing something you don't like and writing it
on a piece of paper, screwing it up and having a snowball
fight. This really clears the air!

In Numeracy we have been finding ways to add
compliment numbers to 100. This is a game we
play called Mission Impossible - we write down five
numbers and when the music starts go to another
person and ask them to find your compliment number
and then they give you a compliment number and you
have to find theirs. You then find someone else and try to
get answers toall five numbers before the music stops.
We like playing this game as it helps us to practise
new strategies.
We were all really amazed at the different
ideas we all had to create our Pyramids.
Here are our fantastic
Homework Challenge Pyramids.

Thanks to all the
Mums, Dads, Grandmas, Grandads,
brothers, sisters and aunts and uncles
that worked with their children to make the
Homework Challenge such a success.
Well done!

We also caught up with a few
Christmas holiday

In Literacy we have started reading
The Scarab's Secret - a fantastic
Adventure Mystery.

What a busy week!