Monday 18 October 2010

15th October 2010

We had a wonderful week this week.
Rachel came from Sainsbury to teach us Hip Hop Street Dancing.
We did some fantastic moves and did a brilliant dance to Lady Gaga!


And do the Snake!

Trying out some groovy moves!


In Numeracy we did lots of measuring in the
classroom and learnt how to measure
accurately using a ruler.

In PE we played ball games and tag - tail.

We played games in the playground for
our Golden Time.

On Friday Celso Pacco visited our school
and he told us a story about Kuanga lu
and the King who didn't treat the children
well in his Kingdom, but there was
a happy ending!
We really enjoyed the story and the music.

In assembly the Vicar came and talked about
Harvest and Celso Pacco played some music.

We drew a pizza and the vicar told us how
many miles the ingredients for a pizza
made to get to our table.
All in all a fantastic week!