Monday 18 October 2010

15th October 2010

We had a wonderful week this week.
Rachel came from Sainsbury to teach us Hip Hop Street Dancing.
We did some fantastic moves and did a brilliant dance to Lady Gaga!


And do the Snake!

Trying out some groovy moves!


In Numeracy we did lots of measuring in the
classroom and learnt how to measure
accurately using a ruler.

In PE we played ball games and tag - tail.

We played games in the playground for
our Golden Time.

On Friday Celso Pacco visited our school
and he told us a story about Kuanga lu
and the King who didn't treat the children
well in his Kingdom, but there was
a happy ending!
We really enjoyed the story and the music.

In assembly the Vicar came and talked about
Harvest and Celso Pacco played some music.

We drew a pizza and the vicar told us how
many miles the ingredients for a pizza
made to get to our table.
All in all a fantastic week!

Saturday 9 October 2010

8th October 2010

We have had a great History week this week.
On Friday we all had a go at our maths badges as we had been practising compliment numbers to ten and twenty and finding facts in the 2,4,5 and 10 times tables all week.

We learnt about life in Bristol in the 15th century and we found five facts about John Cabot and the Matthew and presented them on our ships. We all celebrated how well we worked and what we could do better next time!

In Literacy we worked with our partners using the Myth cards to create our own Myths. We had to choose: a character, an object and a monster.
We then worked in our groups to tell a story together. We are now writing our stories using the cards.

Our Autumn Art Gallery - Beautiful work!

Working with our partners to create a Myth.

We all designed a Logo for the Gore's Marsh Mosaic Competition.
They all looked brilliant - I wouldn't like to choose the best one!
In recorders we discussed the pause symbol, four beats in a bar and the treble clef, four beats in a bar and read the music for the notes A and B.

In French we learnt how to say the French for our family and did a family tree in French.

It was lovely to see so many parents visiting the classroom on Thursday morning.
We always look forward to your visits!
Have a good weekend.

Monday 4 October 2010

1st October

We really enjoyed our week this week although we were disappointed we had to postpone our trip to The Matthew.
We really loved our Golden time and everyone enjoyed the time we had to play with our friends in the classroom!

In French we learnt how to say Bonjour j'mappelle..........!

We sang our fantastic sea shanties to our lovely visitors from Mozambique and Germany.

We collected a leaf from the playground to take into class. We studied our leaves and then we drew them and learnt to do cross-hatching colouring in and our drawings look brilliant on our gallery wall.

We had our first turn on the Agility Trail after we had been shown how to use it and it soon turned into The Matthew - Ahoy there!

On Monday we worked with Jane from Ashton Park and learnt how to pass the ball and then we had a fantastic game - we all really enjoyed it.

We had some very special visitors in Luckwell this week.
Teresa came all the way from Mozambique to visit us and she really enjoyed celebrating a birthday in the classroom.

Julia, one of the German students visiting the school, taught us some German.

All in all a brilliant week and we learnt such a lot.
In Numeracy we learnt the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and in Literacy we are still exploring Myths and Legends. We acted out one of the stories in the hall.