Friday 24 September 2010

24th September Music Week

We have had a very busy week this week and have really enjoyed ourselves.

In Numeracy we have been solving problems using money, doubling and halving, function machines, compliment numbers and multiplication games such as Bean Bag and Goalie!

In Literacy we came to the end of our story the Thirteen Princes and we enjoyed doing Talk Write. We also did our first Big Write in Year 3 and we described our own favourite scene using our senses. We listened to Mozart while we did our handwriting.

We listened to the story of Noah's Ark and put the story in sequence and the pictures.

It was our music week this week and we listened to sea shanties and Ballads about the sea, we wrote our own verses to 'What shall we do with the drunken sailor?' and made up some actions to go with them.

Here is one of the verses
What shall we do with the Captain's mate?
What shall we do with the Captain's mate?
What shall we do with the Captain's mate?
Earli in the morning!
Put him in the lock up with the lid on
Put him in the lock up with the lid on
Put him in the lock up with the lid on
Earli in the morning

What shall we do with the Captain's mate?

What shall we do with the smelly monster?

What shall we do with the scary monster?

What shall we do with the Captain's turtle?

We have also been working really hard concentrating on keeping the rhythmn playing the recorder and we are now playing A and B and it sounds great.
In French we have learnt how to say Ca va bien, Comme ci, Comme Ca and
Ca va mal! We played Jacque a di and said the register in French - Tres Bien!

Next week we are really looking forward to our visit to The Matthew on Wednesday morning. Don't forget we are walking so need to prepare for the weather!
We are going to start our new Topic, Myths and Legends in Literacy.
If you have any books - Myths and Legends - don't forget to bring them into school.
Have a good weekend.