Friday 25 November 2011

class blog 25.11.11

Well what a week this has been. We have planned and written our first class pantomime, we have had so much fun writing it and we can't wait to perform it to the school and all of our parents. We had our first rehearsal on Friday and it went really y well even though we laughed a lot. In Numeracy we have been learning about handling data, we have found out what our classes favourite colour and the most popular flavoured crisp is. In science we have been making electrical circuits and have carried out an investigation about how we can make a light bulb dimmer. On Friday we have been cooking and we did some Kandinsky art.

Friday 11 November 2011

weekend 11.11.11

This week we have been learning how to add and subtract using number lines. We have also used this new method for addition and subtraction in real life problems. At first we found it difficult but we all showed super stickability and are all confident using these methods. In literacy we have been learning about dialogue and plays, we have been doing lots of drama. We have also learnt how to use speech marks and using other words than said. On Thursday we went to Ashton Park for a gymnastics course, we all had so much fun. On Friday we made molten cup cakes, they smell great and we cant wait to eat them when we get home.

Friday 7 October 2011


This week we have been carrying out investigations about different materials, we tested which material would be the best thermal insulator. We have also found out about which metals are magnetic, we found out that metal has to have iron in it to be magnetic. In literacy we have been learning about poems, we have looked at calligrams and also we have been writing our own similes. In PE we have been learning to catch and throw rugby balls and we have been playing bench ball. Also this wee we have had a guest from Germany and we have been taught some German.

Friday 30 September 2011

week 4

This week we have been making pancakes, we then wrote instructions on how to make them with our own revolting topping recipe. On Wednesday we had NO PENS DAY it was great fun, we talked and listened to each other, we had a lot of fun. In science we have been carrying out investigations on different materials. In maths we have been learning how to add and subtract using a number line. We have also been learning French.

Friday 23 September 2011

week 3

This week has been amazing, in maths we have been learing to add and subtract. In Literacy we have been writing instructions, we made jam sandwiches and then we ate them. The next day in literacy we wrote instructions on how to make our favourite sandwiches. We had our HOOK day day where we had to sort materials into groups. We have also learnt about material properties which has been fun. We have also been learning our 2 and 3 times table. In art we have made butterflies out of leaves.

Monday 18 July 2011

The Mad Hatter's Tea Party Week!

Wonderful Costumes

Thank you to all the parents for supporting us this week!

We began the week designing our pizza toppings and

designing our cake decorations.

We had a very special visit from the company 'Actors',

who performed

Sherbert, Snails and Pinky Fruit.

After the performance year 3 had the chance to ask

the cast some brilliant questions!

Thank you Year 3 and parents.

I have had the best last year of teaching

I could have possibly wished for.

Remember Year 3 -

work hard and play hard!

We also had the treat of a wonderful concert.

I was very proud of Year 3 playing the recorder.

It was also fantastic to see

Alice, Mara, Lara and Ruby

performing. They were brilliant!

This week we also had our open evening and it

was lovely to see the children showing their work to

their parents and choosing something for the profile.

Year 3's new teacher!

Many thanks to the helpers who came in to help us to

get the Mad Hatters' Tea Party under way!

We made pizzas, sandwiches, delicious cakes, sausages on

sticks and pineapple and cheese on sticks!

We decorated our cakes

In the afternoon the parents arrived with

their hats on!

Year 3 did a celebration assembly and then

we had our picnic in the hall.

We all really enjoyed ourselves!

Thank you to all the parents for coming.

Year 3 were all stars of the week

for their brilliant cooking this week,

and Adele Hall was singer of the year!

Monday 11 July 2011


This week was money week.

We did our weekly handwriting.

We had our last swim and we were

allowed to olay on the floats.

Mrs. Christmas' group are

ready to jump


We really enjoyed ourselves.

Our visit was to the bank.

We were shown how everything

works in a bank.

We were all given a goody bag

to take home as well.

We stopped on the way back, just before the

rain came down, to have our picture taken with

one of the gorillas.

Seems like there is more than one gorilla in

our midst or perhaps a few little monkeys!

Next week is our Mad Hatter's Tea party!

RSVP if you haven't already.