Monday 27 June 2011


We've had a brilliant week, which began with
our June Day Dancing - photos to follow!
We really enjoyed doing the dancing, especially
when the Mums and Dads joined in and
of course our Morris dancing.

We also did a fantastic workshop and
a keep fit afternoon - it was brilliant!

Pull and hold!!!!

We also got to share our fantastic homework
with each other - and look how amazing it is!

We also had a birthday!
Happy Birthday!

We had a real surprise on Friday.
We all thought Mrs Christmas had
forgotten to tell us who was star of the week,
but she hadn't - it was a surprise!
We were all stars of the week,
for being brilliant Morris Dancers!

Next week is Healthy Week
and Sports Afternoon!


We have had a busy week this week!
We did number patterns in maths
and played Mission Impossible.

In Circle Time we did a friendship letter.
This is when we are opening them.
It is such a surprise to read what
our friends think of us.

We listened to a beautiful Buddha story
A Precious Life and
talked to our partners about how we
could make the world a better place.

In the playground we tried out all the new
equipment and had a lot of fun!

We played the remainder game
with our friends in maths.

We located the place on the map
where our leaflets were in Bristol.
Sometimes it was quite hard to find
and we helped each other to find them.

In Literacy we wrote about our favourite
dreams as we are reading the BFG.
We enjoyed sharing them with each other.

Next week we begin some of the
Healthy week workshops and start planning
our Mad Hatter's Tea Party!

Friday 10 June 2011


Back to school!
We finished locating information
on our maps of Bristol.

Term 6

Holiday Hairdo!
from Spain

We started the week sharing our thoughts
about how we manage situations and we did
some role play.

Big brother annoyed with little brother and
friends playing with his things without asking.

Big brother taking the TV control.

Some more fantastic homework.

Before writing our pupils comments
we brainstormed all the things we could
remember we had done and then looked at
all the work we have done this year.

Disco Fever!
Our SUPER dancer at the disco!
Well done!

Limbo dancing!

Catching up on a holiday birthday.
Happy Birthday.

Golden Time.
Spending time playing with our friends.

Another birthday to celebrate.
Happy Birthday.