Wednesday 23 February 2011


What a busy and exciting last week of term!

We were all very happy singing
'I'm getting married in the morning!'
to Miss Rice, who will be
Mrs Noble when she returns to
school next term.

We had fun in the classroom during our
Golden Time!
We won the Golden Lunchbox AGAIN!
We had 10 minutes extra play!
We then had
'Has Year 3 Got Talent?'
Which was brilliant!

We had Robot Dancing!

We listened to some super singers!

And super singing and dancing!

We played our Board Games
and counted in French!

The highlight of the week
was our first swimming session.
We were all really excited.
We all had to be assessed
and Mrs Christmas was very
proud of the way everyone
had a go!

In circle time we were really pleased
to share what our parents had said about
our work on parents' evening.
Mrs Christmas told us how lovely it was to meet
our Mums and Dads
and how hard we have all worked this term.

we were really pleased to share what our Mums and Dads

Monday 14 February 2011


What a busy week we've had.
We were all looking forward to starting
swimming this week, but sadly it was cancelled
as the heating in the pool wasn't working.

It has been our R.E. week and we
listened to the story of Moses
and the flight out of Egypt.

We had a little visitor in Year 3.
Very well behaved on the carpet!

We were all very excited about the
Valentine's Day Disco on Thursday.
Again we had a super disco dancing time,
thanks to the PTFA.

We all enjoyed it as everyone was
brilliantly behaved and so made it
a memorable evening!

One of our super talented dancers!

In Maths this week we have been learning
about the properties of shape and
reflective symmetry.

This Wednesday was National Singup Day.
As well as singing in the hall
we sang brilliantly in the classroom too!

Aint no mountain high enough!

Aint no river wide enough!

In Maths we investigated how may
lines of symmetry there were in 2D shapes.

In Literacy we have been writing the instructions
How to make An Egyptian Cat.

In ICT we went on an adventure with an
archaeologist to discover a tomb.
In Literacy we have written letters
to the famous archaeologists
Dr Roberts, Dr. Shore, Dr Shepherd and Dr. Jones
to inform them about what we have discovered
on our quest.

Next week we are looking forward to
starting swimming!

Friday 4 February 2011

This week we have had our art week
and we have been making our
Egyptian cats.

The fun begins!

First of all we had to fill
our bottles
with sand.

We then worked in the hall and made
the cats' head out of plasticene.

We then prepared the strips of
modroc ready to make our

Quin's perfect tray of modroc!
We wet the modroc in water and then
began to mummify our cats.

On Thursday we painted them carefully.

Finally we decorated our cats and they all
look absolutely fantastic!

Our Egyptian Cats can be seen smiling
out of our classroom window!

A superb design for one of the cats.

We have had a brilliant week!