Saturday 15 May 2010

14th May Tests and Pyjamas

We have a very good this week
We have all worked extremely hard doing assessment and we talked about Resilience and Stickability.
The main comment after the test first I was a bit worried, but was alright and afterwards I was very proud of myself!
We also did some more Science and looked at how light travels.
Some of us talked to Mrs Compton from ECAW and Mrs Christmas about what we enjoyed when we did our writing. The other children will do this next week.
On Friday we had a well earned pyjama party with our teddies. We all really enjoyed The Chipmunks 2
We also had a pyjama wake and shake before we settled down to the film.

7th May

This week we started studying a favourite author and we chose Roald Dahl.
We talked about all the different books he has written, the different characters and what we particularly like about his books. We have laughed a lot.
The class chose to listen to the B.F.G. and are now doing a Book Journal.
We also have a free writing book to write in during guided reading time.
Although it was a short week we started looking at number patterns and investigating
what numbers divide into 2, 5s and 10s.
We began our Science Topic and while the sun was shining investigated what makes a shadow.
We also had another session of tennis and swimming.

30th April

Our second week back we continued to publish our poetry.
We have displayed some on our board outside the classroom.
This was our second week of swimming and we all really enjoyed.
We really like the pool at St Mary Redcliffe. We also started Morris Dancing and tennis coaching.
We continued to work on number, but this time we are doing subtraction using addition counting on and subtraction!
We have talked about different roles people have in our community and thought about the rules we have at school and at home.
Here are some more photos of our homework

Back to school 32rd April

Well first week back and the children arrived with some fantastic work - Chinese dragons, posters, hats etc. Here are some of the photos. A fantastic effort from all the Mums and Dads too!
In Literacy we began with poetry - calligrams and shape poems. The class published their poems on the computer and they are brilliant - lots of illiteration!
In Maths we have been working on number lines and partitioning, halving and doubling!
We have studied Jesus' life and researched some miracles and parables. We especialy enjoyed watching a film called The Miracle of Life.

The Egyptians

Here are a few memories of our Egyptian Topic - we all enjoyed making our modroc cats, and the bottle top picture challenge as well as lots of research to make our posters. We really were very proud when our parents and Mrs Roberts visited our classroom to see all our work and our mini concert! We sang our Egyptian song, played our recorders and did the Cha, Cha, Cha! 7!

The Mummy Challenge

You maybe wondering now what the class are doing.
The challenge was to see who could Mummify one person in their group without breaking the
toilet roll, which took a lot of collaborative work mixed with a lot of problem solving, concentration and of course lots of smiles and laughter!

Birds Of Prey April 1st 2010

This was a special treat for us all and we were all very excited, especially the two children who were chosen to hold a bird, which looked just as big as both of them! They were really brilliant and listened very carefully and did exactly what they were told.
The whole class loved it and we even got a letter telling all the children what a pleasure it was to visit Luckwell.