Thursday 19 November 2009


Another busy week.
We went out on Monday to do our survey of North Street.
We managed to miss the rain!
We went to The Lion Stores, The Flying Frog, Ocean Estate, Cardiac Card Shop, The Buthers, The Lounge and the Tobacco Factory.
We had our class assembly and sang Aint No Mountain High brilliantly.
We all chose to show one of the following - leaf drawings, Bristol posters, bridges, book review, shape picture, played recorders and read their story.
We were all really pleased to celebrate our work.
We will no doubt enjoy Comic Relief Day tomorrow.


What a busy week
We did a Science challenge to bulid a bridge for a car to cross out of paper, cellotape and string!
We used venn diagrams to sort numbers and aliens!
We did different surveys recording using tallying.
We watched short videos and learnt how to do note taking.
In P.E. we did some fantastic balancing.
In French we learnt to say Bonjour - j m' appelle
On Friday we managed to go on our surprise walk about
Here are some photos - the flip camera really shows how excited we all were!


Our first week back!
We looked at how to be a good friend and how to stop confict.
We did a confidence letter.
We started publishing our stories in 2Create.
In maths we measured out height, arm spans, feet and handspans.
We were brilliant at remembering what we would find in a non-fiction book.