Thursday 17 December 2009


What a fantastic week!
On Monday morning we did our dress rehearsal - time to try out our fabulous costumes! KS1 watched our play and they really enjoyed it.
After break we watched the KS1 performance of The Nutcracker, which we all enjoyed.
On Tuesday evening we were very excited performing A Christmas Carol to our parents. They liked our Cha Cha slide and all the class were brilliant!
On Wednesday afternoon we performed again and we got the same enthusiastic response.
Some super performances! Brilliant team work and fantastic attitude from all the class and all the pupils.
Thank you parents for all the help providing the costumes - really appreciated.
We listened to the Nativity story and Christmas Carols.
We are also happy to welcome Mikey to year 3.
And of course we were very very excited on Friday as Santa came to visit Luckwell.
We were all in assembly when we heard his sleigh!

Monday 7 December 2009


A very busy week!
We have been rehearsing A Christmas Carol and really enjoying it!
Some super stars are born!!

We have also been working really hard to finish our project about North Street.
On Friday we put up our display in the Sports Hall.
Thank you to all the parents who came to our mini exhibition.


Children in Need
The Puppet Show
Watching the Puppet Show

An exciting start to the week - we all went into the hall to watch
A Christmas Carol, well the Muppets Christmas Carol. We all enjoyed it.
After that we went into class and wrote our script.
We had the ghost of Christmas Past to write.
We all auditioned on Friday by saying a nursery rhyme and began to
work out our dance moves for Mr and Mrs Fizziwig's party!

On Tuesday we had another surprise - a Puppet Show which was brilliant.
Bradley's Grandma was one of the cast and she very kindly gave Year 3 her rod puppet.

Thursday 19 November 2009


Another busy week.
We went out on Monday to do our survey of North Street.
We managed to miss the rain!
We went to The Lion Stores, The Flying Frog, Ocean Estate, Cardiac Card Shop, The Buthers, The Lounge and the Tobacco Factory.
We had our class assembly and sang Aint No Mountain High brilliantly.
We all chose to show one of the following - leaf drawings, Bristol posters, bridges, book review, shape picture, played recorders and read their story.
We were all really pleased to celebrate our work.
We will no doubt enjoy Comic Relief Day tomorrow.


What a busy week
We did a Science challenge to bulid a bridge for a car to cross out of paper, cellotape and string!
We used venn diagrams to sort numbers and aliens!
We did different surveys recording using tallying.
We watched short videos and learnt how to do note taking.
In P.E. we did some fantastic balancing.
In French we learnt to say Bonjour - j m' appelle
On Friday we managed to go on our surprise walk about
Here are some photos - the flip camera really shows how excited we all were!


Our first week back!
We looked at how to be a good friend and how to stop confict.
We did a confidence letter.
We started publishing our stories in 2Create.
In maths we measured out height, arm spans, feet and handspans.
We were brilliant at remembering what we would find in a non-fiction book.

Monday 26 October 2009


We got the Golden Lunch Box again last week - again!!!!
Working towards W.O.W.

We really enjoyed the Harvest Assembly
We very excited as we used the screen to sing Paint Box
from the singup website.
Thank you for all the tins for Shelter - fantastic.

We finally finished the story The Thirteenth Princes
and we all wrote a review about the story.
everyone agreed a thumbs up!

We did our big Write this week and we all wrote our own story
modelling on the Thirteen Princes.
First we did a brainstorm of ideas, then we did a flow chart of
who, what, where, why and drew a story map.
We really enjoyed writing our stories and reading them to each other.

Highlight of the week.
We had a very special surprise when Celso Pacco came to visit
and we listened to a funny story about how the pig got a squashed nose!
Well he tried to fly!!!!!

As we have all our marbles!!!!!
The first Friday back we will be having a pyjamas party!
We will be watching a movie and the children decide we would have popcorn!!
Plus of course a teddy to watch the movie with.
The class have decided to bringin favourite movie and then we will vote for
the one to watch.

Have a lovely holiday.


We had a fantastic session of Wake and Shake this week.

Year 6 are going to come and do Wake and Shake with us
every day after lunch!

We worked with Miss Gower and listened to the Hungry Caterpillar
and then chose our favourite fruit and wrote a sentence in French.

We all chose a fruit to draw and we made a display of the story
of the Hungry Caterpillar for our display in the hall.

We continued to read the story the Thirteen Princes and got to the castle.
We decided to write about what would be our favourite banquet.

In ICT we finished our Bristol pictures - display in the classroom.

We learnt Paint Box on singup - if you want to sing at home
Google singup and there are some fantastic resources for you.

Friday 9 October 2009

Our Art Gallery

We have had an interesting and exciting week.

In Numeracy we have been doing function machines and shape.
We played SImple Simon in French, we learnt the names of different countries in French. We talked about children in France and would they have the same feelings as us.

In Literacy we have started our work on Legends and Myths. We discovered three objects in the basket in the classroom and found a lantern, a bottle and a little lump of clay. We talked about who they would belong to and what magic powers they had. We have just started reading the first part of the story - The Thirteen Princes.

We brought in our favourite books and talked about them and discussed why they were our favourite and wrote a super sentence.

We are now playing A and B on the recorder.

Highlight of the week was definitely Hip Hop dancing - we had a fantastic time doing groovy dance session with Rachel.

Have a good weekend.

Friday 2 October 2009


What a busy week! Well done year 3.
We played Numeracy 'What's in the Piggy Bank!'
We enjoyed acting out Goldilocks and The Three Bears with the new Cameras.
We enjoyed drawing leaves and learning how to do cross - hatching - come and see our Art Gallery. Photos next week. They are stunning.
We have decided we want to get the Golden Boot as we have had the Golden lunch box twice already this term so W.O.W.- lets aim for 100%!
We enjoyed planting bulbs and making a chart about how to look after them.
Next week we are doing Myths and Legends in Literacy, so if you have any Myths and Legend story books would be really grateful to bring for class to talk about and display.

Thursday 1 October 2009


This week we have been doing number lines to find the missing number.
In Literacy we have been doing stories with familiar settings.
We sat in a circle and retold Goldilocks and the Three Bears and one person narrated the story.
We had our first spelling test.
We played ball games in PE - learning to throw and catch using one hand!
We played our recorders and we are now playing the notes A and B!
We got the Golden lunchbox! We are working toward getting WOW too!!
We talked about our homework about our homes - fantastic work!


We started following the new timetable this week, which took a bit of time to get used too.
In Literacy we have been studying stories with familiar settings.
In Numeracy we have been doing lots of work on partitioning.
In PE we have been practising ball skills.
We have learnt a morning verse.
We talked about caring about each other in class assembly.


Welcome back.
We have been looking at our community.
We have looked at our new cloakroom and decided how we will look after it.
We have written our class contract.
We have played 'detectives' to discover where everything is in the classroom.
We have learnt a new brain gym and played circle games.
We have sketched buildings in the playground.
We hace brainstormed what we want to know about Bristol and what we already know.

Friday 12 June 2009

12th June Term 6

Catch up .....
We have written a letter and a postcard from Egypt - as either a tourist or an archaeologist.
We've designed our Egyptian cats and Gods.
We did a challenge - Best way to get the sand in a plastic bottle for our cat!
We have researched and made our own Egyptian booklets.
Learnt A and B on the recorder and we are now going to do G - good tone!
We are really enjoying tennis on a Wednesday - fantastic!!!
We are problem solving in Maths - missing numbers in a number sentence for Addition and subtraction.
Lots of fantastic 'Show Me.'
Superb handwriting
We all enjoyed the French play - the actors were very impressed with the class and how they responded to the characters in the story - especially Izzy who got star of the week before the holidays.
Star of the Week Ben Dunn
Have a good weekend.

Friday 6 March 2009

Year 3

A busy week for Year 3!
Thanks for all the recycled things. We have been designing and making our musical instruments.
Some of them are taller than us!!
We have been learning about fractions of numbers.
In Literacy we are studying Legends and the story Baira and the Vultures who had fire.
We have drawn ourselves as the tribe of the Rainforest - our Rainforest is nearly complete
Our first swimming lesson was very exciting and we all enjoyed it.
The disco was a real success.
Some of Year 3 are learning a song from Sing Up and will hopefully be leading the school singing it for Comic Relief Friday!
Looking forward to composing songs and of course dressing up next Friday!

Friday 6 February 2009

Snowman Day

Well what a surprise to find ourselves out in the snow having a snowman competition.
We have had a very busy week.
To catch up - apologies for lack of Blog - it has now been updated.
Year 3 are still making their classroom Rainforest - we are now researching the forest floor!
We have researched the emergent layer, the canopy and the understory.
Will print out the rest of the snow day photos when we are back in school.
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope everyone gets the chance to build a snowman, have a snowball fight and go sledging.