Friday 29 February 2008

Mothers' Day

We've been thinking critically in our class this week. We thought about how information is presented to us. That made us think about the sort of words used in adverts.
We decided to think of all the qualities ours mums have. How would we write an advert for them? Lots of words came into our minds... wonderful, loving, caring, clever, beautiful ....were just a few. It was agood reminder to spend a bit of time making them a special card for Mothers' Day this Sunday.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

We have been learning all about the Rainforest.
Everyone chose an animal and had found out about it. We made a picture of it. Then we created a mural with lots of trees. We decided in which part of the Rainforest each animal would live.
This is the end result. It really brightens up our classroom.